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EmailProcessor Configuration File

EmailProcessor gets it's configuration from an XML configuration file. The file looks as follows (comments describe the parts):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


  <!--| Include the default bounce hooks                                  |-->

<Include resource="org/peabody/emailprocessor/bouncehooks/emailprocessor.xml"/> <!--+===================================================================+--> <!--| The source of the messages |--> <!--| (See the docs for JavaMailMessageSource to download from a server |--> <!--+===================================================================+-->
<MessageSource class="org.peabody.emailprocessor.DiskMessageSource" directory="/var/inmessages" regexFileFilter="^.*[.]eml$" /> <!--+===================================================================+--> <!--| Define your message actions here |--> <!--| This is simply the _possible_ things that can be done with your |--> <!--| messages. See the next action for how to map messages hooks to |--> <!--| actions. |--> <!--+===================================================================+-->
<MessageAction id="save_message" directory="/var/outmessages/" class="org.peabody.emailprocessor.SaveMessageAction" /> <!--+===================================================================+--> <!--| This maps a message hook to an action. You specify the category |--> <!--| to be mapped to the action. All MessageHooks that are at or |--> <!--| deeper than the specified category (i.e. /bounces/blah/ in this |--> <!--| example) have this action occur when they match |--> <!--+===================================================================+-->